Energy prices set to spike again
Following the UK strikes in Yemen, energy prices are set to spike again over the coming weeks, Care England has …
“Dear AJ Recruitment Team,
We are writing this letter to express our gratitude to you and your team for your support over the last 6 months throughout the coronavirus pandemic.
The situation has placed a huge strain on services and we would like you to know how very appreciative we are for your continued support and dedication to our service.
We have always found you to be helpful, and supportive, to go out of your way to find suitable cover, with staff who know our service and our service users well. This has been especially the case throughout the pandemic.
You have worked closely with us to ensure transparency, careful planning around minimising the risks to staff and service users and joint working on not only providing safe staffing levels but consistent staff, dedicated to only our service during this time.
Your staff have become one of the team, they have worked incredibly hard, building positive relationships with the service users and the staff team, showing flexibility and dedication. They have taken on board all the extra measures we have put in place with understanding, empathy and genuine care for the people they support and the team they work with.
As things start to settle down, we wanted to take this opportunity to give you, your team and those staff who have helped us tirelessly throughout this difficult time our heartfelt thanks.
We look forward to continuing our work with you.
Take care and stay safe.” – Service Manager, Leeds
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