Energy prices set to spike again
Following the UK strikes in Yemen, energy prices are set to spike again over the coming weeks, Care England has …
With the new CQC KLOEs inspection framework currently timetabled to start from November 2017, will your care organisation have checked these out and be ready with a strategy to meet your inspection?
The new KLOEs, that is the Key Lines of Enquiries, published by CQC last month, include a timetable for applying the new framework to the sectors audited by them. The CQC have clearly identified the large number of changes for the new 5 KLOEs. The new KLOEs form part of the current consultation process on improving quality standards for the care and NHS services the CQC audit.
To create a strategy you need to identify the future vision and intent of an organisation for change or to solve a problem. The change factor in this instance is the new KLOEs. There are 5 key areas and as a leadership in care specialist the ‘well-led’ criteria attracts us to one area, that is the need to lead the strategic plan.
Although the ‘well-led’ criteria is not new, the reference to strategic planning is a key part of that standard. Your managers recently trained to level 5 or degree level in care leadership may have some strategic planning skills. But that level of training has not always included an understanding of strategic planning and your established managers could now be challenged.
Also its important to note that if there are 5 areas with key changes who will lead on all these new criteria. Will it be a leadership team or an appointed lead on each one or all the strategies?
With senior care management development for strategic planning skills now higher on the list of an organisation’s priorities here’s a few current leadership development opportunities:
Firstly, check out the regional funding available for business growth development in your area. Also look at one to one coaching available from a leadership and business coach to gain strategic planning skills very quickly and limit your manager’s off the job time. See our blog on executing a Strategic Plan.
For an introduction to planning your strategy for the new KLOEs register to attend a free webinar on 30 August 2017 hosted by AJ Recruitment and turro Ltd. Gill Bailey of LinQs will be on the webinar sharing information on developing a business strategy for the new KLOEs.