
Updated Infection Control Guidance

It is really important to keep up with the latest versions of the Infection Control guidance, especially now with COVID-19. You can find the most up to date version here for reference:

The main changes to the guidance are:
  1. Service users/individuals will be managed via 3 COVID-19 pathways; high, medium and low risk.
  2. Single-use PPE items have been minimised and this only applies to the extended use of facemasks for staff.
  3. The use of facemasks and face coverings for staff is recommended, in addition to social distancing and hand hygiene for staff, patients/individuals and visitors to further reduce transmission risk.
  4. The physical distancing of 2 metres is considered standard practice in all health and care settings.
  5. Service users/individuals on a low-risk pathway require Standard Infection Prevention & Control Precautions for surgery or procedures.


There is a really good FREE e-learning course from Scie. It is a video-based course that looks at the spread of infection and what you can do to protect both yourself and the people you care for. Understanding infection control will provide you with the tools to help prevent COVID-19 from spreading.

You can access the FREE course here:

Some ideas for how to use this to support CPD for you and your team…
  • As a discussion tool in team meetings
  • In 1:1’s with your staff and discuss it relevant to their role
  • As a development task for your team in supervision


As a specialist, family-run recruitment business, we support organisations to target issues such as continuity of staffing, reducing spend where you have a high volume of agency usage and supporting those who have specific talent requirements or are in hard to fill locations. We can help with any immediate staffing requirements or longer-term recruitment projects to ultimately save you time and money on agency spend. Click here to see what our clients say about how we have supported them throughout the pandemic.

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